Menemukan sepotong tulisan di halaman curhat ketika gw masih kerja di Banda Aceh. Nampaknya layak tayang.
Niken is a size of two persons. If you want to be comfortable around someone, Niken is the man. Or the girl. Maybe at first, you will consider her as a kind of a weird girl. Look at her hairstyle, her outfit, even the shoes she wears. It seems like she really try to steal attention by putting stuffs from different ages on her body. But then again, you will see an ease. She is really confident with it and act casual around everybody. And once you get to know her, you will be craving for her. Seriously. There was this time she complained about how she always became one big trash bin. People do ramblling everything to her about their life. And I just smiled at her. She is ‘tolombong’. She makes everybody comfortable around her. She never judges. She always listens. And she never failed a chance to be there for someone. She is also my ‘tombo ati’. Everytime I get stucked and weary, I just need to hang out with her. I try so much not to bursting out my problems to her. I don’t want to fill her up. And after several minutes beside her, she will give me an ease. Another thing, give her a set of tasks and she will definitely do her best responsibly. Yup, she really works smart like that. So, if you are a manager, and you don't have Niken to work for you, that's your lost ;) picture will be uploaded later. But I'm pretty sure you know who she is.
*updated: picture uploaded. Sorry Niken, didn't ask your permition at the first place.
Aku tak tahuuu, dit..
ReplyDeleteyeah u are damn right... i like her too
ReplyDeletejieeee... cihiyy si beeerttt
ReplyDeletedia lagi manyun, dit. Biasa, masalah asmoro.... CIHIIYYY
hehehe.. bulan kemaren teteleponan ama niken.. curhat.. terus merasa ga sehat karena dua duanya sama sama bete. tapi akhirnya malah ketawa ketawa.. hahahahah
ReplyDeletesebaiknya kita segera meninggalkan jakarta, bert
ReplyDeleteSebaiknya kabur ke ZimbabwE :D
ReplyDelete*tak mampu berkata2 saking terharunya
thanks, Dit. you make my day :D