Saturday, 13 December 2008

If a Sea Could Launch a Thousand Ships

then where am I to go?
there's no one home but you

Oh, beib, pulang ke kampung Bira yuuuukkk...

Thursday, 4 December 2008

D and E in Delft

Sebenernya ini sudah terjadi sebulan yang lalu. Weks, baru sebulan ya? Perasaan kok udah lama banged. Hehhe... Tapi akibat menghindari terlalu lama mengutak-atik foto, maka baru sekaranglah bisa ditampilkan.
Ternyata Delft cukup ndeso, terbukti dengan adanya seekor babi berkeliaran di city centre. Ga heran Ewi betah, mengingat kampung halamannya di Nias dulu.
Walaupun kayaknya lebih kampung Enschede yang tanpa babi.

Dusseldorf Night Life

Turn on the light and we'll have some fun!

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Romantically Beautifully All Whity Whity

Mendengarkan lagunya In The Afternoon Cardigans. Lalu teringat bermain salju dan berjalan sambil menggigil kedinginan. Mendengarkan terus lagu enak itu. Merindu terus someone itu. Kembali ke tempat itu, matahari sore dan langit ungu. Pasir putih dan laut turkis. Disini lantainya putih dan langitnya abu.Tapi iya, kombinasi air dan matahari selalu indah.

winter came by my bedroom today
falling in rows and covering the lane
morning shone on my windows today
passing the time I slumber away
to kill all the day

someone came by my bedroom today
swaying around, then silently away
someone left home and my bedroom today
left by the time I slumbered away
to kill all the day

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Jaringan Sosialita

Iseng membuka halaman networking tetangga dan menemukan ini:

Ratna is now friends with Dita Anggraeni, Cindy Claudia Harahap, Tamara Geraldine Pham and Indra L Bruggman - 10.24pm comment

Wihhh... keren banged gw, setaraf sama artis ibukota!
Tapi pas liyat yg bawahnya:

Ratna is now friends with Yesus Kristus and Ratna Sarumpaet - 9:58am comment

Ga jadi deh, ada yg setara Yesus Kristus

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Autum has arrived in Munster!

This autumn is killing me.
The cold wind breeze, and the colour of the leaves. I watched them fell and stumbled upon each other. It was very clear in my head how we stepped on them and love the crispy sound.
I’ve heard the sound of church bells, and I wish you were here to hold my hands. Or painted the smile on your face while I was buying another sale coat.
But hey, this one day trip was fulfilling. ‘Cause I met the best of friends.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Amusement at Volkspark

Something fun
Something spinning
Something sweet
Something electric
Something bright
Something right
Something blue
Something about you

Monday, 20 October 2008

10 dari Lioni dan Okke

Sok sok an kena tag Lioni dan Okke. Padahal mah hayan exist. Haha.

10 hal yang selalu gw bawa-bawa. Well, gw kan bagaikan pengungsian ya, jadi bawaannya banyak banged. Kayaknya 20 juga masih bisa. Tapi jatahnya cuma 10, ya deh…


Obat maag.

Ma, ini mah obat maag



Walopun disini amat jarang dipake

Si putih kecil lucu untuk main video clip-video clipan alias Mp3 Player

Bayangkan berjalan di bawah pohon yang daunnya kuning, berguguran sambil diiringi “Kau di dalam emosiii iniii…”


Bolpen + kertas

Curdiman alias curhat dimana-mana


Buku cerita

Kalo tiba-tiba harus bengong dalam waktu lama


Dompet + dompet tukang mas + dompet isinya kartu

Ga usah dijelasin ah, udah pada gede ini



Setiap saat bisa hujan disini


Hadiah ulang tahun body shop

Membuat bibirku begitu lembut, lembab dan kissable



Siapa tau tiba-tiba mau nyebrang ke negara tetangga


Sikat gigi

Hehehehe… Siapa tau harus tiba-tiba menginap di negara tetangga


Lalu siapapun deh yang baca, harap segera membuat yang serupa. Ga usah dijelasin kan, udah pada gede ini ;)

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Amsterdam equals A lot of fun!

On Saturday I went to Amsterdam with almost all new students from my university. PP. Had a really good time. All about Boat tour - lunch at Los Latinos - Sex Museum - Madame Tussaud Museum - Red Light Districts - Amusement Park - and a bus ride back to Enschede. I didn't take a lot of pictures but I definitely had fun taken my pictures by the others. Special to my photographer, Jun from Thailand.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

D is for Den Haag Trip

We went to Den Haag. For nothing in particular but lontong, kari, ketupat dan peruntungan perjodohan. I came for the train ride and want to explore another city. But it was very windy so a cup of hot caffe latte was preferable for this day. Hehe..

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Enschede at Night

So, we went out.
To the old church, the robot exhibition, and to the bar.

And I just realized, hey I gained another year!

Life of the Orange Ornaments
This is where I keep the track of my steps on this faraway land.
Decided to keep them separated from the blue jacket, because preassumable I will write much. Now, let's keep my fingers crossed.

Monday, 22 September 2008


So this is my cribs.
And nothing can beat curling in your bed in the dawn time, watching the sun gradually penetrating in, and listening to Carpenters hits.

And of course, thinking about you.
It all comes in a package.

ITC Hotel - Enschede

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Enschede on Sunday

We're gonna have a picnic in the park.
You, and me, and all the people we love.
We're gonna have ginger ale or temulawak or anything you like.
I will walk on the sidewalk and you will hold my hand.
We're gonna stop by the ice cream parlor and taste the rum raisin flavor.
You will see a decent house and dream we are the oma opa who had the tea.
I stop by at the window of pizza restaurant and pretend we order margerita.
You stop as well, and steal a kiss.

And this is what I mean about I like to dream big.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Enschede Open Market

The first thing to do here is... shopping!

Radio Departure

It's been 12 hours of overrated mixed feelings.
It's about the next adventure, moving on and new challenges.
But it was also three days full of tears, the uncontrollable mellow feeling, and the love for all of you.

Gonna miss you, all.
Also, welcome..

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Another Side of Batukaras

Oh well.. Here I go again. Driving to the edge of this island.
15 of us, and I can't help but feeling.. mellow.
Probably you will notice by these pictures.

In the back I can hear the radio is playing The Shirelles
"..So tell me now, and I won't ask again
Will you still love me tomorrow?"

I have set my heart, and they say nothing lasts forever.
Will I still love you tomorrow?

Batu Karas Surf Club

It is a small village. Not as crowded as Pangandaran, and don't even compare it to Bali.
The sand is dark, the weather was not so good but you can see the light in the face of inhabitants. They are the wave riders, the one who can swim agains the shore streams.

Welcome to Batu Karas Surf Club.

Monday, 4 August 2008

Evilish Thoughts

I dream a lot, that’s why I sleep much.
Want them to be big, and share the benefit for the people around me.
Share them with you, to dream the same, or maybe more.
If you want to make them realize, please go ahead.
Is dream made to be stolen?
Is it evil to curse you?

Ah, if you keep stolen my dream, then I can dream more.
I know some people are lack of this imagination.

Now, if you excuse me, I have to cache up some sleep.
I will dream a little while longer.

- A little girl with big dreams.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Cozy Cozy

Paparan Cozy Street Corner
Saung Angklung Mang Udjo, 7 June 2008

Kinda late photo post. But hey, the event was just a week a go, so it is not that lame..

Very entertaining. Folk songs and warm environment, even you can see all the warm colours in the pictures.
I like to listen to their sweet melodies and could not stand to sit quiet and nicely.

One of my favorite song from the show:
"Tak ada yang salah dengan diriku, tapi ku sendiri.."

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Heart It

Menemukan sepotong kata-kata di halaman curhat gw. Yang pasti bukan tulisan gw. Entah tulisan siapa yang spontan gw copy paste dari internet. Tapi bener-bener setuju sama kata-kata ini. Inspiring.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Tadi pagi nonton Oprah dimana bintang tamunya Dr. Oz dan mereka membahas tentang Alzheimer (mudah2an ejaannya bener). Penyakit ini ternyata terjadi akibat melemahnya sel-sel otak. Kadang malah sampai mati. Penelitian membuktikan, ada zat-zat di makanan pedas yang bisa membuat sel-sel otak kita tetap muda dan sehat. Beberapa ada di makanan India (iya, Lioni, di India). Gw rasa banyak juga di makanan orang Indonesia yang terkenal spicy itu (iya dagiyang ditusuak). Tapi Dr. Oz tetap menekankan, bahwa cara terbaik adalah dengan terus melatih otak kita. Dan latihan yang paling cocok adalah dengan terus bekerja dengan sepenuh hati.

Ah betapa beruntungnya ya orang-orang yang mencintai pekerjaannya.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Java Jazz Festival 2008

Quite late, but I want to share you the pictures I have taken during the show.
It wa the first time I took snapshots of performance. And it doubled the fun :) Love the lighting and the expression of musicians. And thanks to Dora for lending me her newbie tele lens.

The show itself was great, although to be honest I enjoyed Peter Pan concert more than this. Haha, silly me. Yes, kampungan me.

Saratus Persen

Entah bagaimana caranya, malam itu saya, Niken dan Riswan terdampar di CCF Bandung. Tentu saja bukan untuk belajar bahasa Perancis. Malam itu kita nonton acara musik. Musik apa? Saya pun baru tau ketika kita bertiga telah berada di dalam auditorium, duduk di barisan paling depan.

Saya kurang mengerti tentang pengkotak-kotakkan musik, tapi perasaan sih musik yang mereka mainkan berjenis kontemporer. Kombinasi old and new, barat dan timur. Ada lagu ska, atau yang mereka sebut campuran punk dan reggae, dengan suara ringan gamelan. Suara gamelannya mirip gamelan Bali, tapi ini mungkin akibat saya yang hanya pernah mendegar gamelan Bali. Lalu ada penyanyi wanita dengan suara membahana menyumbangkan lagu yang membuat saya bermesin waktu ke jaman Candra Kirana, ditemani penari dari Lembang.
Lagu itu lho... “Engkau Dadang... Bagaikan sinar menerangi
jalanku... Kau tunjukkan arah mana yang kini harus ku tempuh. Hingga ku tak sesat lagi seperti dulu... Dirimu Kadir... ketika aku jatuh, bangun dan jatuh...”

Panggungnya cukup penuh. Bagian ketukan diwakili oleh drum, perkusi dan kendang. Ada yang memainkan bass dan ada 3 orang sebagai brass section. Berganti-ganti memainkan saxophone, terompet maupun toleot alias trompet Sunda yang namanya saya tidak tahu pasti. Irama diisi oleh gamelan dan kadang ada melodi gitar dan biola. Kadang ada penyanyi yang menyumbangkan satu dua lagu atau penari baik yang tradisional maupun internasional seperti penari dari Africa yang menandak-nandak bagaikan burung unta.
Dengan pemusik sekelurahan begitu, bisa ditebak musik yg mengalun begitu penuh dan rancak.

Mereka memainkan musik sambil tersenyum-senyum, kadang merem melek saking khusyunya. Kadang tertawa-tawa dan saling berkomunikasi lewat tatapan mata. Apapun yang mereka lakukan, baik itu memetik dawai gitar maupun mendentingkan simbal, sukacita terlihat jelas disana. Begitu meriah dan membuat saya merasa pekerjaan memukul-mukul gamelan adalah profesi paling nikmat sedunia.

Kemudian lagu Karatagan Pahlawan dimainkan. Sebelumnya salah satu pemain gamelan menyampaikan sepatah dua patah kata, bahwa walaupun mereka bukan pahlawan, tapi mereka minta doa restu para hadirin karena akan berlaga di festival internasional di Kuala Lumpur dan Tokyo. Lalu mereka memainkan lagu mars itu secara instrumental, tentu saja dengan komposisi yang unik dan kembali begitu festive.

Ah, lihatlah mereka, begitu dekat dengan budaya negeri, dan memainkannya sepenuh hati. Lalu mereka akan melanglang buana membela Merah Putih. Menghadirkan kebahagiaan lewat nada-nada ceria dan membuat bergoyang. Seperti membagi-bagikan pil bahagia.

Tiba-tiba saja saya ingin jadi tukang kendang.

check out their site:

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Belitung, the Amazing Blue Album

The next two days we wandered around the island. Found an inspirative lighthouse and a great place to duck in. Got our skin very much tanned and our hearts warmed. This holiday, it has been giving me the sickest post holiday syndrome. I wish I could go back here again, someday. Join me?

All pictures, without my self, are taken by me.
The rest are credit to Rio.

Monday, 28 April 2008

Belitung - Tanjung Tinggi, so heavenly

At the first two nights, I stayed at Tanjung Tinggi where it has white sandy beaches, clear turqoise blue water and whale size rocks. Luckily, the room was half priced. We had breakfast on beach side. We wandered on barefeet on white sand as far as we could. We took pictures and never tired saying how lovely this place is. Holiday couldn't get any better than this.

All pictures without my self appeared on them are taken by me, except noted.
The rest are taken by Rio.

Thursday, 24 April 2008

Belitung - Preview

Life blogging and I'm so sick of those stuffs. But I just can not control my self to tell you that... guys, I've been hypnotized by this mistically beautiful place.